Yoga Chaitanya Center
Contact Person
Beside Post Office
Opening hours
10:30 a.m. To 4:00 p.m.
Yoga Chaitanya Center is one of the branch of Yoga Consciousness Trust.
To Develop the individual personality in its entirety (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual planes) through systematic practice of Yoga and Vedanta in daily life. The main aim is to help experience firsthand the states of Yoga Consciousness and know one’s True Self.
YCT methodology is rooted in the Himalayan tradition of H.H. Ramlal Prabhuji. By a systematic training in Yoga and Vedanta the Guru awakens the inner Chaitanya (Divine Energy), to help the individual transcend from darkness to light
Yoga Classes Timings :
Morning Batches: 5Am - 6 AM, & 6Am -7 AM & 7AM - 8AM
Evening Batches: 5PM -6 PM & 6Pm -7 PM
Special Batch for Ladies from Morning 10.30AM onwards.
Satsang on every month 1st Saturday at 6pm
To Develop the individual personality in its entirety (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual planes) through systematic practice of Yoga and Vedanta in daily life. The main aim is to help experience firsthand the states of Yoga Consciousness and know one’s True Self.
YCT methodology is rooted in the Himalayan tradition of H.H. Ramlal Prabhuji. By a systematic training in Yoga and Vedanta the Guru awakens the inner Chaitanya (Divine Energy), to help the individual transcend from darkness to light
Yoga Classes Timings :
Morning Batches: 5Am - 6 AM, & 6Am -7 AM & 7AM - 8AM
Evening Batches: 5PM -6 PM & 6Pm -7 PM
Special Batch for Ladies from Morning 10.30AM onwards.
Satsang on every month 1st Saturday at 6pm
Distance from
Rail : 0.50 km, Bus : 0.27 km
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