Sanjivanii Specialty Lab
Contact Person
Ch.Venkata Rao
Near Srujana Hospital
Opening hours
6:00 a.m. To 6:00 p.m.
Our is Fully Equipped Laboratory
All types of Medical tests like Hematology, Bio Chemistry, Micro Biology, Histo Pathology, Computerized X-ray, Computerized ECG, Serology, Thyroid Profile, Immuno Assay, Pregnancy Test, CSF/Fluid Analysis, Diabetic Profile, Elisa Method, X-Ray, S Channel ECG.
All types of Medical tests like Hematology, Bio Chemistry, Micro Biology, Histo Pathology, Computerized X-ray, Computerized ECG, Serology, Thyroid Profile, Immuno Assay, Pregnancy Test, CSF/Fluid Analysis, Diabetic Profile, Elisa Method, X-Ray, S Channel ECG.
Distance from
Rail : 0.28 km, Bus : 0.53 km
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