Sai Sree Ladies Corner
Contact Person
K.Janardhan Rao
Near Sivalayam
Opening hours
9:00 a.m. To 9:30 p.m.
All types of ladies items available here like Bangles, Baby Bangles, Enamel Bangles, Fashion Bangles, Crystal Bangles, Necklace, Ear Rings, Chains, Imitations Jewellers, Bindees, Clips, Bands, Nail Polish, Face Creams, Cosmetics, Powders, Lotions, Soaps, Saree Kundans, Make-up Boxes, Dolls,Kids Hockey Bats, Kids Cricket Bats, Balls, Gift Articles etc all are available here.
Distance from
Rail : 3.89 km, Bus : 3.23 km
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