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Hi guys, Here i write a complaint/review against Star Allied Health Insurance Co. which is one of the most pathetic insurance companies i have ever come across with. Recently, i underwent an operation of Arthoscopy Bankart Lesion where my shoulder was dislocated due to the accident. Firstly, when i met with an accident on 06/06/14, i felt it was just a jerk and with a small pull back of my shoulder, the pain subsided and I DIDN'T GO TO THE DOCTOR which is quite human actually as you really don't realize what happens during the accident. The next time it repeated, i went to the doctor and got it checked. He asked for a surgery to be done, that's when i applied for Insurance claim with these arseholes and firstly they denied my cashless facility and sadly i arranged the money and got it operated. In the cashless claim, they mentioned they would reimburse as per merit and all documents were submitted to them post my operations for reimbursement. Then the b*****, decline the claim saying on Medical Grounds saying there was no evidence of accident on 6th which was mentioned to them earlier as i never went to the doctor on that date. This could have been further clarified by my Dr. who is supposedly on the best OPD doctors in India today. These GUYS ARE A SCAM AND I SUGGEST ALL OF YOU NOT TO TAKE INSURANCE POLICY FROM THESE GUYS, THEY WILL STAB YOU IN THE BACK AT THE LAST MOMENT. I HAVE GONE THROUGH THIS TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE AND ALSO CAME TO KNOW, THEY HAVE DONE THIS FOR MOST OF US. All they do is TAKE the premium from you and when you NEED THEM, THEY WILL MAKE YOU RUN LIKE MAD DOGS AND THEN SIMPLY DENY THE CLAIM. My statement to all of you insurers, this is the last company you should signup with. You might just end up dead and they would still require evidence that you are dead. I WILL NEVER RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY TO ANY OF MY FAMILIES OR CORPORTE ORGANIZATIONS WITH WHOM I WORK WITH. This policy was taken from policybazaar.com. Regards, Suhaib L. Star Health Insurance Pain Claimer Reimbursement Claim :- 78402 Ph. :- 8698131564

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