Free SMS Movie Alerts

Free SMS alerts for Movies is a featured service by We are privileged to offer our valued users free alerts for the movie playing in Kakinada. Now it would be much easy for people to know what movies are playing in the theatres.

SMS as subc movies and send it to 9000900008

In between subc and movies give single space.
Ex: sms as subc <space> movies  to 9000900008


SMS as unsubc movies and send it to 9000900008

In between unsubc and movies give single space.
Ex : sms asunsubc <space> movies to 9000900008

For help on subscriptions,you can send sms as "subc help" to 9000900008
For help on un subscriptions,you can send sms as "unsubc help" to 9000900008
Provide one Single space between Subc/Unsubc and movies.
You need to send this message only once & you will get confirmation.
You will receive movie alerts as and when posted at the site for 15 days. To continue

receiving alerts you can subscribe at any time.
Note : To stop receiving SMS Promos (other than alerts), send sms as "unsubc" to 9000900008 any time.
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