TGR White Rice For Diabetics
White Rice For Diabetics
Contact Person
Opp Ramalayam
Opening hours
9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.
This is a release of First choice foods Pvt Ltd of Bangalore for whom Aadi Pranava Health Visions Pvt Ltd Is the Exclusive Distributor for the two states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Rice usually takes most of the diet. The product TGR DIA RICE is a fruit of long years of specialized scientific effort, an endeavor that came to be accomplished by a team of dedicated scientists and experts who never once left any grain unturned, in their relentless march towards perfection.
Rice usually takes most of the diet. The product TGR DIA RICE is a fruit of long years of specialized scientific effort, an endeavor that came to be accomplished by a team of dedicated scientists and experts who never once left any grain unturned, in their relentless march towards perfection.
Distance from
Rail : 0.99 km, Bus : 0.44 km
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