Contact Person
Opp Pindala Cheruvu
Opening hours
10:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.
Namanas is a free classifieds web site in your neighborhood. Namanas came into picture after finding an increased need for a platform where the local community could offer services, trade, meet, and help each other. Community members within a city can come here to find an apartment to buy, sell their old car, or computer system, promote their small business, find a life partner, join a dance class, find people who share their interests, get an audience for a local event, trade any item that they might want or have to offer and make new friends. Namanas provides a simple yet robust solution to perform all of the above operations with ease.
Distance from
Rail : 1.49 km, Bus : 0.93 km
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International Delhi Public School - Panasapadu
Sri Prakash Educational Institutions - NFCL Road