Metro Opticals
Contact Person
Jeelani Khan
Opp Athidi Restaurant
Opening hours
9:30 a.m. To 9:30 p.m.
We sell spectacles according to doctor prescription.
Glasses, frames, ARC, Photo Grey, Resilience, Fancy Sun Glasses, Goggles, High Index, Alarm Pieces, Calculator, Watch Spare Parts, Watches (timewell and times company) and Clocks are also available here.Both sales and services.
Glasses, frames, ARC, Photo Grey, Resilience, Fancy Sun Glasses, Goggles, High Index, Alarm Pieces, Calculator, Watch Spare Parts, Watches (timewell and times company) and Clocks are also available here.Both sales and services.
Distance from
Rail : 2.40 km, Bus : 1.77 km
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