Krishna Chaitanya Dental Care
Teeth for Health
Contact Person
Dr.N.V.V.S.K.Chaitanya, B.D.S., FAGE Cosmetic Dental Surgeon
Near Vinayaka Cafe
Opening hours
9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m.
Dr.N.V.V.S.K.Chaitanya, B.D.S., FAGE Cosmetic Dental Surgeon.
Treatments :
Extractions, Compaction, Root Canal Treatment, Scaling(Cleaning), Bad Smell, Implants, Gum Bleeding problem, Replacing Missing tooth, Fillings, Crowns & Bridges, Laminates, Bleaching, Correction of Irregular Tooth (Orthodontic), Oral Surgeries.
Treatments :
Extractions, Compaction, Root Canal Treatment, Scaling(Cleaning), Bad Smell, Implants, Gum Bleeding problem, Replacing Missing tooth, Fillings, Crowns & Bridges, Laminates, Bleaching, Correction of Irregular Tooth (Orthodontic), Oral Surgeries.
Distance from
Rail : 0.39 km, Bus : 0.40 km
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