Government General Hospital, Kakinada
Government General Hospital
Contact Person
G.G.H. Road, R R Road, Kakinada - 01
Government General Hospital
Opening hours
The hospital provides medical care to people belonging to East and West Godavari Districts. All the departments are well equipped. The increase in the number of in patients and out patients year after year speaks of the popularity of the Hospital.

Ward Name Phone No: Ward Name Phone No:
Superintendent 2302001 Health Inspector 2302072
C.S.R.M.O 2302002 Labour Room 2302073
D.C.S.R.M.O 2302003 Night Super Room 2302074
Additional Director 2302004 Paediatrics H.O.D Room 2302075
Administrative Officer 2302005 Bio-Chemistry 2302076
Nursing Supdt.Room. 2302006 Electrician Room 2302077
Gynic O.P 2302007 School of Nursing 2302078
Blood Bank 2302008 Family Planning Ward 2302079
Opthalmal O.P 2302009 Family Planning 2302080
Dental O.P 2302010 Isolated Ward 2302081
E.N.T.O.P 2302011 Ambulance 2302082
E.N.T.O.T 2302012 Paediatrics-1 Unit 2302083
Medical O.P 2302013 Post Gyneac 2302084
Ortho O.P 2302014 Pre Gyneac 2302085
Manager 2302015 Central Steriligation 2302086
Duty Asst. Physician 2302016 Gynic Operation Theatre 2302087
Paediatric O.P 2302017 G2 Chief Room 2302088
Medical Record Department 2302018 Paediatric Intensive Care Unit 2302089
Chest & T.B O.P 2302019 Opthalmalogy Ward 2302090
Clinical Pathology 2302020 Kitchen 2302091
Casuality 2302021 Duty Asst. Gynic Room 2302092
Surgery O.P 2302022 E.N.T Ward 2302093
Microbiology 2302023 G.O.T. Surgery room 2302094
Radiology O.P 2302024 Sargent 2302095
Cardiology O.P 2302025 New Gynic Ward 2302096
PI.S./Pead.S/N.S Urology/Gastro Entrology O.P.S 2302026 Active Medical Care Unit-II 2302097
Accountant 2302027 M4 Chief Room 2302098
Dispensary 2302028 Cancer Chief Room 2302099
Emergency Opn. Theatre 2302029 Cash Section 2302100
Paychiatry O.P 2302030 Traumatology Ward 2302101
Police Out Post 2302031 Casuality Treatment Room 2302102
Madical Stores 2302032 Duty Asst. Surgeon Room 2302103
M2 Chief Room 2302033 Pain Clinic 2302104
M3 Chief Room 2302034 Super Speciality Opn. Theater 2302105
Anesthesia Chief II 2302035 Urology Chief Room 2302106
M1 Chief Room 2302036 C.T.Surgery ChiefRoom 2302107
M3, M4 Wards 2302037 N.S./Urology Ward 2302108
Active Medical Care Unit-I 2302038 Causuality X-Ray Room 2302109
M5, M6 Wards 2302039 D.A.P (Peadiatric) Room 2302110
Neuro Medicine Chief Room 2302040 Cancer Ward 2302111
Ortho Chief-1 2302041 Antinatal (S.R.M.T Block) 2302112
M1, M2 Wards 2302042 M5 Chief Room 2302113
Female Ortho Ward 2302043 M6 Chief Room 2302114
Twin Operation Theatre 2302044 S5 Chief Room 2302115
Male Ortho Wards 2302045 S6 Chief Room 2302116
Respiratory Intensive ICCU 2302046 Ortho Unit-II Chief Room 2302117
S.T.D.O.P 2302047 Ortho Unit-IIIChief Room 2302118
C.T. Scan Room 2302048 Ortho Unit-I Chief Room 2302119
Skin O.P 2302049 G3 Chief Room 2302120
T.O.T. Surgeons's Room 2302050 Anaesthia Unit-III Chief Room 2302121
S1 Chief Room 2302051 A.R.T Center (Aids) 2302122
Neuro Surgery Chief Room 2302052 Sub Stores 2302123
Anesthesia Chief-1 2302053 O.O.T Opthalmic 2302124
S2 Chief Room 2302054 Forensic Medicine 2302125
Cardiology Ward 2302055 House Surgeon Quarters 2302126
S3 Chief Room 2302056 E.N.T. Chief-1 2302127
PI.S/Pead.s Wards 2302057 Surgical Intensive Care Unit 2302128
Student's Sick Room 2302058 Plastic Surgery Chief Room 2302129
Social and Preventive Medicine 2302059 Psychiaatry Ward 2302130
S4 Chief Room 2302060 PBX Line-1 2302131
S3, S4 Wards 2302061 PBX Line-2 2302132
T.B. Wards 2302062 R.M.O.Quarters 2302133
S5, S6 Wards 2302063 N.I.C.U.Neonatal Intensive 2302134
Laundry 2302064 Paediatric U-II Chief Room 2302135
S1, S2 Wards 2302065 Paediatric U-III Chief Room 2302136
O.P. Ticket Counter 2302066 --- 2302137
Pos Natal Ward 2302067 Peadiatric Unit-II Ward 2302138
G1 Chief room 2302068 Peadiatric Unit-III Ward 2302139
Gynic Ward 2302069 ---- 2302140
S.L.R Ward 2302070 Orthopeadics Opn.Theatre 2302141
Workshop 2302071 Doctor's Residential Lines (2142-60)
Distance from
Rail : 2.02 km, Bus : 1.56 km
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