

This village is 15 km distance to Kakinada Town and comes under Thammavaram panchayathi. All classes of people reside here. Most of the people are farmers and fisherman. Their main occupation is agriculture and fishing. Paddy and vegetable are grown as main crops. The village comprises of many temples which includes Subramanyeswara Swamy temple, Ramalayam and Vinayaka temple. The village is also fulfilling the educational needs by providing primary and high school education. Autos are only providing means of transport for the village people. For all the other needs like banks, colleges, shopping and entertainment people has to visit Kakinada town

This area falls under panchayati and the sarpanch for this area is Sri Gollapalli Sathiraju.The typical land rates ranges from 2,500/- to 6,000/- per square yard.

Pincode - 533005

Tammavaram     Tammavaram    
Directions To Tammavaram
Sub-Areas       :
Harijanapeta (old), Harijanapeta (new), Fisherman Colony, Polavaram, Thammavaram Road, Wavers Colony, Settibalijapeta, Pammugunta, Ramalayam Street, Kappula Street.
Near by areas :
Panduru, Penumarthy, Suryaraopeta, Thimmapuram, Kommaripalem, Rayudupalem, Atchempeta Junction.
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