This area is 8 km distance from Kakinada Town which comes under Rural Panchayat. Agriculture is the main occupation where paddy is mostly grown. Transport facilities are provided by APSRTC buses for every 5 minutes. Government has constructed new houses to the poor under Rajiv Gruhakalpa. The township is also provided with several market places and worshipping places. Musalammathalli temple, Subramanyeswara swamy temple, Kanakadurga temple and Vinayaka temple are few among them. The region is provided with noted educational institute called Chaitanya Engineering College. College is known for providing quality education to the students.
This area falls under panchayati and the sarpanch for this area is Sri M. Peddaraju .The typical land rates ranges from 7,000/- to 15,000/- per square yard.
Pincode - 533005