

This area comes under Indrapalem Grampanchayat. All classes of people reside here. Most of them are business persons, government and private job holders. Area includes many educational institutions. Oscar public school, Little Buds school, Ideal Junior college, Ideal College of Arts and Science are few schools and colleges. The institutions are proved to be providing best education. Many worshiping places are also seen here. Kanaka Durga Aalayam and Musalammathalli Temple are famous among them. Township also includes small institutions like hospitals, shopping stores and a number of business enterprises.

This area falls under panchayati and the sarpanch for this area is P.V.V Satyanarayana.The typical land rates ranges from 7,000/- to 15,000/- per square yard.

Pincode - 533006

Indrapalem     Indrapalem     Indrapalem     Indrapalem    
Directions To Indrapalem
Sub-Areas       :
Pallapu Street, Meraka Street, Arjun street, Srinivas Nagar, Neralamma Colony, Post Office Street, F.C.I colony, Vigneswara nagar, Venkatrama Nagar.
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