
Atchampet Junction

This area is nearest to Atchampeta village. This is a 4 road junction where one road goes to Kakinada city, the second road to Kakinada port, third road to Thimmapuram and the fourth road to Samarlakota. The region is fragmented in small localities that are connected with small roads. Area is noted for some of the reputed educational institutions like Rajiv Gandhi P.G College and M.S.N P.G College. Many industries are located in Industrial Development Area (IDA). 4 petrol bunks and 2 Dhabas are included in the township. Transport facilities are provided by RTC buses for every 15 minutes. For entertainment and shopping people has to visit Kakinada town.

The typical land rates ranges from 20,000 per square yard.

Pincode - 533005

Atchampet Junction
Atchampet Junction     Atchampet Junction    
Directions To Atchampet Junction
Sub-Areas       :
Anand nagar, ADB road, Pithapuram road, Rayudupalem, Thimmapuram.
Near by areas :
APSP, Panasapadu, Kothuru, Penumarthi, Atchampeta village.
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